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Rainbow Light’s Everyone’s Omega is an Omega 3 essential fatty acids dietary supplement. We all need Omega 3 essential fatty acids to promote the optimal functioning of our body, but our bodies are not able to manufacture essential fatty acids. For this reason, it is essential that a supplement be taken since our diets do no usually have sufficient amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. Before deciding on the right supplement, it is important to research the product to make certain it delivers the right amount of essential fatty acids required.
Everyone’s Omega Fish & Flax Oil manufactured by Rainbow Light is made up of unknown amounts of the following components:
- DHA- there is little evidence that DHA has the ability to treat or alleviate symptoms of depression as well as ADHD.
- Flax oil– studies conducted on Flax Oil have indicated that there is not enough evidence to support the fact that flax oil is able to alleviate or reduce the symptoms caused by ADHD and anxiety.
- Parsley seed oil- Once again, insufficient evidence exists to support the claim that Parsley Seed Oil has the ability to alleviate or relieve the symptoms of PMS or UTI’s.
During research, it was discovered that the recommended dosage for Rainbow Light Everyone’s Omega Fish & Flax Oil is one softgel to be taken on a daily basis. Each dose of Rainbow Light Everyone’s Omega Fish & Flax Oil must be consumed with a full glass of water and the individual should take the softgel capsule with a meal.
To buy one bottle of Rainbow Light Everyone’s Omega Fish & Flax Oil the cost is $28.99. A bottle contain no less than 60 softgel capsules. A discount offer exists, whereby three bottles can be purchased for $76.97. With this offer, a purchase of Rainbow Light Everyone’s Omega Fish & Flax Oil, can be bought for $25.66 per bottle.
Rainbow Light Everyone’s Omega Fish & Flax Oil is sold with a money back guarantee. There is however, little information supplied on the guarantee and no information is provided on how long the buyer has to return Rainbow Light Everyone’s Omega Fish & Flax Oil should they be unsatisfied with the product.
Conclusion Of Our Rainbow Light Everyone’s Omega Review
Everyone’s Omega makes us of added ingredients other than the original sources which Omega 3 essential fatty acids are attained. This product is not FDA approved.