Speed of Results6.5
Quality of Ingredient7.5
Customer Service6.5
Customer Feedback6
This review is on the product Advanced Botanicals Daily Facial Moisturizer. This skin-care product is manufactured by Seed Advanced. It is claimed that this facial product can deliver to the skin vitamins K, C, E, and B3. In addition, this product can help to improve the skin’s elasticity, texture, as well as skin tone, while reducing the signs of aging. It is claimed that this product is easy to apply, and will hydrate the skin. This moisturizing product is said to promote the formation of collagen. It minimizes the loss of water and moisture. Last, this product is fragrance-free. Keep reading this review for more about this skin-care product.
The main ingredients found in this product’s formula are:
- Sea kelp
- Jojoba seed oil
- Cucumber oil
- Sunflower seed oil
- Vitamin C
- Abyssinian seed oil
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin E
Vitamins E and C, both clinically important ingredients, fight free radicals while stimulating the production of collagen. Collagen plumps up and firms the skin. This skincare product comprises three different types of seed oils offering anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties. Skin pores will be refined. However, this beauty product uses no shea butter nor sweet almond oil. Either way, this product lacks the inclusion of any patented clinically tested ingredient. However, for a product to be effective, research has confirmed that a product needs at least five clinically proven ingredients to be optimally effective.
How To Use
The instructions provided are vague. This leaves the consumer confused about when to use this product as part of a skin-care regimen. However, our research efforts found that this product should be applied after washing and toning the face. The product comes in a pump dispenser.
This skin-care product is available online directly from the manufacturer. The moisturizer product is presented in a 4-ounce dispenser at $29.95. Free shipping is only applicable on orders over $49.95. The company offers no package deals with discounts.
Guarantee & Feedback
The manufacturer of this skincare product acknowledges the consumer’s right to cancel an order and return the products. However, the company does not grant the consumer the right to test the product before returning it; nor does the company indicate whether a refund will be given.
Our Conclusive Review About Seed Advanced Botanicals Daily Facial Moisturizer
At first glance, this skin-care product seems promising. it is produced from all-natural ingredients and contains ingredients that could help improve the condition of the skin. However, much of the information provided by this company in terms of their return policy or user instructions are vague. This lack of transparency is a concern: is the company trying to hide the product’s inefficacy? The product Botanicals Daily Facial Moisturizer lacks at least five clinically proven ingredients needed to make it effective. There are many other similar products on the market currently. Most of these are offering better quality ingredients, better researched and clinically proven ingredients, attractive packages with a decent discount, and a solid guarantee that is client focused. This product just does not match those.