Speed of Results6.5
Quality of Ingredient7.5
Customer Service8
Customer Feedback6
The following review is for Absorb Health Conjugated Linoleic Acid and will inform you of the real facts. This product claims that it is a weight management supplement that will be beneficial for fat burning and also provide you with increased lean muscle.
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid – 1000 mg
Conjugated linoleic acid which is a group of chemicals largely found in dairy products and also beef which can be used for cancer, and may also be beneficial for bodybuilding and weight loss. This ingredient works by preventing fat deposits in the body and may also benefit increased immune system functions.
It is extremely unusual that there are no advised dosage instructions for this product which seems somewhat negligent on the manufacturer’s part although, you could seek the guidance of a healthcare practitioner to learn the safest manner of using this product.
Possible Side Effects
There are no cautioned side effects according to the manufacturer although, research advises that the key ingredient used in this product is not safe for people who have diabetes and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should rather first consult a doctor before attempting to use supplements containing this ingredient as it may not be suitable.
You can purchase this product online and on the manufacturer’s website it is listed at $9.99 for a bottle that contains 60 softgels. Unfortunately, there are no discounted options available regardless of this being an extremely cheap product.
Guarantee & FeedBack
The manufacturer offers a full money back guarantee that is valid for 90 days from your purchase and they claim that they will fully refund your purchase in the event that you are not completely happy with this product for any reason although they do not refund international purchases. It is disappointing that we were unable to find any customer reviews which could shed light on the general quality standards and effectiveness considering the experience of anyone that has actually tried this product.
Our Conclusive Review About Absorb Health Conjugated Linoleic Acid
This supplement does use a good ingredient that could possibly benefit your weight loss process and it does have a money back guarantee. Unfortunately, this product is extremely cheap which raises concerns about the quality and effectiveness and it also has no customer reviews which is also greatly concerning and worse yet, the manufacturer has negligently failed to provide any dosage instructions to ensure this product is used correctly. Considering all the relevant information found for Absorb Health Conjugated Linoleic Acid, this is definitely not the best choice of weight loss supplements around and we suggest that you should rather consider a more suitable product.