Anuice Review

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Anuice Review - For Relief From Hemorrhoids
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Hemorrhoids are a painful condition that occurs when the veins in the anus swell. Hemorrhoids are a common ailment and can occur both internally and externally. External hemorrhoids are generally more painful than internal hemorrhoids, and they may also bleed. Hemorrhoids can be itchy and burn and cause a lot of discomfort, which is why there are many products available that aim to reduce these symptoms. This review is for a product called Anuice which uses a different method of reducing these symptoms compared to ointments and capsules. Anuice uses cryotherapy to help manage these painful symptoms. Cryotherapy is the application of cold to the skin. This then aims to destroy the tissue in a controlled way – as an alternative to surgery.


Anuice is a reusable device so there are no ingredients which may result in side effects. It is a device that comes with three different applicators so that you can choose the best one to fit the size and shape of your hemorrhoids. It is also able to be used on internal hemorrhoids. The device will be kept in the freezer until it is ready to be used. The cold that Anuice will provide when the applicator comes into contact with the hemorrhoids aims to relieve inflammation, itching, pain, and bleeding.


The applicator should be kept in the freezer when not in use. For internal hemorrhoids, you will need to apply a few drops of the lubricant before applying. For both internal and external hemorrhoids, you will need to lie on your side with your knees bent up to your chest. For external hemorrhoids, select the correct size applicator and place it on the affected area. For internal hemorrhoids, insert the tube into the rectum. For both cases, leave the device there for between 8 and 10 minutes. After the application, wash the device well and put it back in its container and place in the freezer. This should be done two to three times a day for up to four weeks.


The Anuice kit consists of the device, a dropper bottle of lubricant, and instructions. You can easily buy this kit online from the manufacturer. One kit will cost you $39.95. You are also able to buy more than one kit and save some money or get free items. It is recommended to have two kits so that you will always have one available to use. Two kits will cost $79.90 and they come with two free bottles of the lubricant. You can buy four kits for $119.85 and six kits for $159.80.

Guarantee & Feedback

This product does not seem to come with any sort of guarantee, though the manufacturer states that the product should work for a year. It is not clear if there as any recourse you can take advantage of if it does not work.

The reviews that we found for this product on Amazon are very mixed with the product receiving an average of 3.7 out of 5 stars.

Our Conclusive Review About Anuice

This seems to be a innovative way to manage the symptoms of hemorrhoids without the worry of side effects. As you are not applying any ointments to your skin, you do not have to worry about skin irritation. However, this device only seems to manage the symptoms of hemorrhoids, by providing pain relief, rather than the underlying cause which is what some other supplements aim to achieve. This device also seems time-consuming to use and can only be used in the comfort of your home. If you are out of the house during the day, you will not be able to use this product so easily.

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