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Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a fungus in your body that is known as Candida. When Candida albicans are allowed to multiply unchecked, it can result in a vaginal yeast infection. The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are very uncomfortable and irritating; they can also be difficult to get rid of. Typically with a yeast infection, you may notice a discharge that has the same consistency as cottage cheese, itching of the genital area, painful urination and pain during intercourse. Treating a vaginal yeast infection with a natural supplement can help these symptoms or at least stop the candida overgrowth spreading to other areas of your body. Azo Yeast Plus claims to heal vaginal yeast infections and reduce occasional odor and discharge. In this review, we will take an in-depth look at the ingredients and effectiveness of their formula.
They do not have a picture of the label on Amazon, however, there is a picture of the label on the manufacturer’s website. Here is a list of the active ingredients – Candida albicans 30X, Kreosotum 30X, Natrum muriaticum 12X, Sulphur 12X. Kreosotum is generally used for menstrual spotting, and Natrum muriaticum is used for pregnancy and postpartum issues. It is also said to regulate water retention. These ingredients do not seem to have any properties for healing yeast infections.
They state that you should take one tablet orally three times a day. This company also has a warning to stop using their product if symptoms don’t improve within 3 days or if they last more than 7 days.
Possible Side Effects
Always consult your doctor before taking any supplements. As with most dietary supplements and medications, reactions and side effects will be different for each individual.
The price on third party websites ranges from $16.59 to $23.18.
Guarantee & Feedback
According to the manufacturer’s website, items must be returned within 90 days of purchase. With a maximum return limit of two items of the same brand.
Our Conclusive Review About Azo Yeast Plus
After examining the ingredients and formulation of Azo Yeast Plus, we are not sure if this formula will actually do what it says. A small number of reviews say they did notice an improvement. However, the list of ingredients in this product seems to be counterintuitive to healing a vaginal yeast infection. There is no mention of ingredients such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus (GR-1) and Lactobacillus reuteri (RC-14). These probiotics are known to have powerful effects in preventing and fighting vaginal yeast infections. Additionally, there is no evidence of clinical testing to prove the effectiveness and safety of this product. We recommend that you use caution when using this product, or perhaps buy something that has a better formulation and has been clinically tested for safety and effectiveness.