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Navigating the world of diet pills and supplements can be confusing. With so many products that are nothing more than money-making gimmicks which offer products that are full of chemicals and binders, you want to know that what you are paying for is an authentic product that really works. This review is going to examine Back2Basix Yacon Root. This product is a weight loss supplement that is rich in antioxidants which are believed to be able to smoothly remove your fat, maintain healthy blood sugar levels and fights insulin resistance. The manufacturer claims that their product can help you maintain a balanced appetite, support digestive health, and supplement an optimal metabolism. Yacon Root is loaded with prebiotic fiber that is believed to help digestion and supports a healthy intestinal tract.
The only active ingredient in this product is 1000 mg of Yacon Root per serving. Yacon Root is commonly found in South America and is used as a dietary supplement. It has a high dosage of fructooligosaccharides which can lower levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol. It also contains compounds that function as prebiotics, improve digestive health and treat certain types of colitis. This prebiotic influences the development of microflora in the digestive tract, leading to improved gastrointestinal fermentation. It is also believed that it can cause regular and frequent bowel movements.
Back2Basix does not share the dosage instructions online.
Possible Side Effects
Back2Basix does not list any possible side effects. We found through our research that taking excessive amounts of Yacon Root can cause mild side effects such as bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and nausea.
This product is exclusively available to purchase through third-party online retailers. We found it online for $7.99 for one 60 capsule bottle and each bottle is reduced by a few cents the more you purchase.
Guarantee & Feedback
Back2Basix does not offer any money-back guarantees. Any guarantees will be subject to the terms and conditions of the third-party retailer you buy from. There are no consumer reviews or testimonials available on any forum.
Our Conclusive Review About Back2Basix Yacon Root
This Yacon Root Extract comes in a vegetarian, easy to take capsule and every capsule has a decent dosage of Yacon Root Extract. However, there is an extremely limited amount of information available on this product to be able to make a determination of whether or not it is a worthwhile supplement. The manufacturer does not disclose the label information, including instructions on how to take the capsules. All the information we obtained was through our independent research. You would not be able to make an informed decision about whether or not this supplement is good for you if you rely on the information the manufacturer provides alone. Furthermore, there are no positive or negative consumer reviews or testimonials available anywhere which suggests that this is not a well-known product. It is crucial to know the risks and benefits of a supplement before you are going to put it in your body and taking all of the above factors into consideration, this product is too risky to rely on for real weight loss results.