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Caralluma is a succulent plant that is native to India. Historically, Indians are known to have chewed pieces of Caralluma to stave off hunger pangs during times of famine. It was also used when hunting, to keep them going for longer. There are now many companies claiming to have extracted the main compound known as Caralluma Fimbriata. Studies show that it may indeed aid in suppressing hunger, and may contribute to a faster metabolism and weight loss. Supposedly, Caralluma can also help quench thirst and increase endurance levels. In this review, we will look at the ingredients and levels of Bio Nutrition Caralluma to see how effective and safe they are for weight loss benefits.
This formula contains a daily dosage of 1000mg of Caralluma. Their capsules contain vegetable stearate which may actually inhibit absorption of the supplement. It also contains silica. Silica has many contradictory studies regarding the safety of taking silica for long periods of time.
The recommended dosage stated on the label is 2 servings per day. This equals 1000 mg of Caralluma Fimbriata. This amount is lower than some other brands on the market which may affect the effectiveness of this supplement.
Possible Side Effects
When you first start taking Caralluma, you may feel some mild side effects such as stomach upset, intestinal gas, constipation, and stomach pain. These side effects will usually disappear after a week of use. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
You can purchase Bio Nutrition Caralluma supplements from the Bio Nutrition website, and from other third party websites. The price ranges from $14.95 to $11.14. We did not find any option for bulk orders or saving packs. You can only order these supplements in individual bottles.
Guarantee & Feedback
The manufacturer offers a 30-day money back guarantee on the manufacturer’s website if the product is returned with a receipt within 30 days. We did not find a refund policy on Amazon.
Our Conclusive Review About Bio Nutrition Caralluma Fimbriata
Caralluma has been tested to prove its effectiveness in weight loss. This formula by Bio Nutrition is a pure extract, however, the capsules do contain vegetable stearates and silica, which may be harmful and inhibit the absorption of the supplement. That being said, the daily dosage is the correct amount recommended by experts, but it is lower than some other companies. They also offer a 30-day return policy, though this may be too short a time period to fully see results. Bio Nutrition does not have an option for buying in bulk to help you save money, you will have to purchase this supplement in individual bottles. Our conclusive review of Bio Nutrition Caralluma is that there may be some weight loss benefits associated with taking this supplement, however, due to the lack of reviews on Amazon and on the manufacturer’s website, it is difficult to say how effective the results of taking this brand of Caralluma would be.