Speed of Results5.5
Quality of Ingredient7
Customer Service5
Customer Feedback5.5
This is a comprehensive review of a product called Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete’s Foot Cream. The manufacturer designed this product with the aim of helping individuals who are suffering from the painful symptoms associated with athlete’s foot. To find out more about Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete’s Foot Cream and the ingredients used, read our full review below.
Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete’s Foot Cream is an effective anti-fungal cream which claims to help treat athlete’s foot. The product contains 10 mg Clotrimazole per gram. It also contains other anti-fungal agents that help fight against dermatophytes and yeasts that are associated with fungal infections.
From our research, it seems that the product is lacking main ingredients, which could affect the product’s effectiveness. The product should contain a dual-action formula for fungal prevention and soothing relief. It should also contain clinically proven ingredients such as undecylenic acid. At 25% standardized concentration, this is one of the most effective fungal fighting agents available. Thus, the absence of this essential ingredient and these crucial properties may result in a product that is less effective in comparison with other brands.
The manufacturer recommends that the user use the product 2 to 3 times a day and follow the use of the product for 2 more weeks after the symptoms have cleared. These are the only instructions provided which we feel are not very clear and which might cause confusion or incorrect usage.
The product can be purchased from local retail stores and it can also be purchased online from various online retailers. Follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s website to make a purchase. A 50 g tube costs between $8.80 and $13.99. This is very cheap in comparison with other products and may be a result of low-quality ingredients.
Guarantee & Feedback
We were unable to find any evidence of a money-back guarantee. This is quite unfortunate for first time users who wish to receive a refund for products that do not deliver any results. Also, this means that you will be at risk when purchasing the product. Lack of a guarantee may also be an indication that the manufacturer does not believe in the effectiveness of the product. Also, we were unable to find any evidence of customer reviews.
Our Conclusive Review About Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete’s Foot Cream
After our analysis of Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete’s Foot Cream, we have come across a few positive aspects. The product comes in an easy to use tube of cream.
However, we have also come across a few negative aspects that need to be addressed. First of all, the product does not contain clinically proven ingredients such as 25% undecylenic acid which is the best fungal fighting agent. Lack thereof and other essential properties may result in a less effective product. Furthermore, the usage instructions are not very clear. Also, the price is very low which may be due to the manufacturer using low-quality ingredients. Finally, the product is not backed by a solid money-back guarantee. You will be at risk when you make a purchase with this manufacturer.
As a result, we are unable to recommend Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete’s Foot Cream as a safe and effective treatment for athlete’s foot. You are better off finding an alternative fungal fighting agent.