Colosan Review

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Colosan Review - For Flushing And Detoxing The Colon
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Colosan is a unique natural supplement that is designed to help the colon cleanse itself from the toxins and other substances that build up within it over time. The following review examines how good the product really is at cleansing the colon and if it can live up to the manufacturer’s claims.


The only active ingredient in this supplement is magnesium. When magnesium is taken with enough water, it causes the release of oxygen. Oxygen then oxidizes the contents of the intestine and colon and makes them easier to excrete, and it may remove the toxic properties of some substances. The body often uses oxidation as a form of cleansing.

The problem with this action is that it can cause significant damage when used for a long period of time and it seems the manufacturer hasn’t considered this. The manufacturer doesn’t have a second stage supplement which contains antioxidants to remove the harsh oxygen molecules and prevent further damage to the colon.

The science behind using oxidation as a form of cleansing is also less convincing than what is traditionally used in colon cleansing supplements, like fiber and probiotic bacteria.


One or two capsules of Colosan should be taken every day. It’s absolutely important that enough water is taken with the supplement though because it is the water that actually provides the action of the supplement. The supplement should be taken between meals half an hour before eating the next meal.

Possible Side Effects

This product can cause mild diarrhea and intestinal distress but these symptoms usually pass. If they don’t go away then you need to stop using the product and consult a physician immediately. Certain groups, like pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with chronic condition should consult a doctor before using this supplement.


120 capsules of Colosan can be purchased online for $29.95. The manufacturer doesn’t sell the product directly but rather relies on third-party online retailers. Therefore, depending on the third party retailer the customers uses, they may receive a discount for subscribing for monthly orders or buying in bulk.

Guarantee & Feedback

We couldn’t find any evidence of a guarantee offered by the manufacturer. This suggests that the manufacturer is not nearly as confident in the effectiveness of their product as they claim to be, because they are unwilling to return money if the product doesn’t work.

The customer reviews on major third-party retailers are quite positive.

Our Conclusive Review About Colosan

Colosan is offered at quite a fair price and the dosage instructions are quite easy to follow. What concerns us about this supplement is that there just isn’t as much scientific data to back up the idea of using oxygen to clean the colon, and it can actually cause damage in the long run. Another major concern for us is that the manufacturer doesn’t offer a guarantee, so if customers find the product to be ineffective then they will essentially have wasted their money. Customers are really just better off using tried and tested supplements with traditional ingredients and that offer a guarantee.

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