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The following review is for a dietary supplement called Hyten Global Ketoboost. The aim of this product is to help put your body into a state of ketosis. This in turn helps the body suppress appetite, burn fat, promote muscle preservation, promote stamina, and also increase electrolyte absorption. This supplement can be used by people who are trying to lose weight as well as people who are trying to build muscle. It promotes performance, energy, and mental focus and clarity for those difficult days. Learn more about Hyten Global Ketoboost by reading our full review below.
This exogenous ketone formula has been specifically designed to help improve and promote energy, mental focus, athletic performance, anti-aging, and lean body mass. Hyten Global Ketoboost contains many vitamins and minerals, however, it also contains a main ingredient that helps to achieve these results. This ingredient is known as Ketoba. It consists out of Beta-hxdroxybutyrate, Butyric Acid, green tea leaf extract, and 50% caffeine. It also contains Boron citrate which supports bone health. We do however question the effectiveness of the product as it does not contain ketones derived from real red raspberries. Furthermore, even though it is beneficial to take in vitamins and minerals, the product seems to be more of a multi-vitamin than ketone boosting supplement.
The label recommends that the user pour one packet of the product into a glass with 500 ml (16 oz.) of water. It can be used as a pre-workout support or it can be used for maintenance any other time of the day. If you wish to taste the flavor better, reduce the water to 250 ml (8 oz.). Some of the product may not completely dissolve. There isn’t any information concerning the best time of day it should be taken and if it should be taken near a mealtime.
Hyten Global Ketoboost can be purchased online, by following the instructions on the manufacturer’s official website. A box that contains 30 sticks will cost you $70. One box will last a month. However, $70 is quite pricey in comparison with other products that deliver the same or even better results. There are also no discounts made available for the customer. Furthermore, there are also no bulk packages one can order. Lack of these offers may result in customers paying a lot of money in the long-term.
Guarantee & Feedback
To our dismay, we were unable to find a money-back guarantee. This may indicate that the manufacturer is not very confident in the effectiveness of the product. Also, the customer reviews on Amazon stated that 55% were happy with the product and 45% were not happy with the results of the product. Most people were also unhappy with the taste and the smell of the product.
Our Conclusive Review About Hyten Global Ketoboost
Hyten Global Ketoboost seems to be a promising product. It comes in easy-to-use packets that can be mixed with water.
Unfortunately, we do see a few things that we do not like about the product. Firstly, it does not contain ketones derived from real red raspberries. Lack of this natural ingredient may cause the product to not be as effective as other products that do contain this essential ingredient. The manufacturer does not provide enough dosage instructions and may result in incorrect use of the product. Furthermore, customers will be paying a very high price of $70 for the product, followed by no bulk purchase options or discounts to help lower the original price. Lastly, the manufacturer does not offer a guarantee and the feedback showed mixed feelings about the product. For these reasons, we do not recommend the use of Hyten Global Ketoboost.