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OmegaBrite 70/10MD Advanced Omega-3 Formula is a supplement made, among other things, for joint health, cardiac health, mood enhancement and overall well-being. According to its maker, it is a patented scientific EPA formulation developed by Dr. Carol Locke while at the Harvard Medical School faculty. It contains 70% pure EPA (eicosapentanoic acid), described as nature’s anti-inflammatory nutrient for good health. The supplement is said to offer a natural way of promoting health benefits as well as improved digestion. It also enhances mental/cognitive clarity and aids weight loss. So many benefits for a single supplement, you say? Read our OmegaBrite 70/10MD Advanced Omega-3 Formula review further to see if this is a must-have product.
It appears there are two principal ingredients in this supplement. These are:
- Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) – 1,050 mg
- Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – 150 mg
These are Omega-3 fatty acids typically obtained from fish oil and some other sources. The formulation has a 7:1 EPA to DHA ratio. These ingredients possess potent anti-inflammatory properties that compare well to those of alpha-linolenic acid. The Omega-3 fatty acids raise the levels of anti-inflammatory markers, including IL-10 and TGF beta. This makes them beneficial for joint health and for slowing the progression of arthritis. They are also said to lessen likelihood of suffering bone marrow lesions. The 70% pure EPA in OmegaBrite is said to be essential for health.
The recommendation is to take three soft gel capsules of OmegaBrite daily, each with a meal. The manufacturer suggests that adding to this dosage may prove beneficial to some, although it does not specify the benefits or a maximum dosage.
Possible Side Effects
OmegaBrite should be safe for most people, given it is made mainly of Omega-3 fatty acids. However, there is risk of adverse reactions when used by those who are allergic to fish oil. It is not advised for people who are preparing for surgery. You should speak to a health professional if you are on certain medications before using this product.
This supplement with 60 softgels was available at the time of writing for $35.97 from the manufacturer’s website. Amazon was selling the same package for $35.99. Note that the 60-count pack will not last you a month if you use three soft gel capsules per day. You receive a 10% discount on your order when you sign up for an auto refill of your supply.
Guarantee and Feedback
The manufacturer offers what we see as a rather limited 30-day money-back guarantee, a time period which likely is not enough to test the efficacy of this product. The upside to the policy is that opened bottles are accepted for return.
The product doesn’t appear to be very popular based on the fact that it has very few Amazon user reviews. Although they are not enough to see a trend in user experience, the reviews posted were not overly impressive at the time of writing.
Our Conclusive Review About OmegaBrite
OmegaBrite looks like it’s trying to be everything to everyone in marketing itself as addressing so many health issues. It is very expensive and the limitations of its return policy do not encourage us to recommend it to potential new customers. As with many Omega-3 supplements, there is complaint of it having an unpleasant smell as well.