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Pilesgon capsules are not only for the treatment of inside and outside hemorrhoids but it is supposed to also treat bleeding piles. The makers also claim that this product can even ease the pain from hemorrhoids when having a bowel movement. They also say this product also has astringent properties that can not only tone the vascular musculature but it can also help improve the elasticity of the hemorrhoid veins. Pilesgon capusles are an herbal treatment.
- Mesua Ferrea
- Sapindus Mukorossi
- Acacia Catechu
- Extractum Bryophyllum Calycinum
- Terminalia Chebula
- Berberies
- Vernonia Anthelmintica
- Eupatorium Ayapana
- Wrightia Tinctoria
- Daemonorps draco Plume
- Sodii Biboras
The makers of Pilesgon recommends that you take one to two capsules, twice a day for two to three months with water.
This hemorrhoid treatment is offered at a price of $22 per bottle of 32 capsules. What makes this so expensive is that if you take the recommended dosage, this only comes out to a one week supply to treat your hemorrhoids.
The makers of this product offer a 30-day guarantee for an unopened bottle. However, they also charge a 25 percent fee for restocking.
Conclusion Of Our Pilesgon Capsules Review
The makers of this product may stay true to their word. However, with the fact that it can take up to two-to-three months for it to be completely effective, makes them running far behind in the game for herbal hemorrhoid treatments. With a month supply being $66, this is pretty expensive. This is especially true for those people on a tight budget. With these facts as well as no customer testimonials makes this product less desirable to buy.