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If you spend hours tossing and turning in your bed, unable to fall asleep, you should consider taking a sleep supplement to help you feel relaxed. In the following review of NoctuRest, we evaluate how beneficial Rejuvica Health’s sleep aid is for you.
NoctuRest contains melatonin and magnesium, as well as L-theanine. It also contains natural herbs that promote relaxation including passionflower, lemon balm, and chamomile.
Most supplements aimed to help you fall asleep contain melatonin, magnesium and some amino acids such as L-theanine or L-ornithine. The combination of those two amino acids helps you fall asleep more quickly. An extra dose of melatonin helps your brain realize it’s time for bed and start to feel tired. Magnesium is usually found in these kinds of pills because sleeplessness is a common side effect of magnesium deficiency, so it helps your sleep cycle overall.
Instead of a pill that you can easily swallow, NoctuRest comes as a liquid that you can add to a glass of water with a dropper, or squeeze the dropper directly into your mouth. One dose is ¼ tsp that you should take 30 minutes before bedtime. From our research on other sleep aids, we see that NoctuRest only contains 3 mg of melatonin instead of the standard 6 mg per dose.
One bottle containing 2 oz of liquid costs $44. Luckily, there is a discount available exclusively on the website to reduce your cost by $10. There are also bulk purchase options, each including a $10-per-bottle coupon. Two bottles cost only $60 and three bottles are just $86.
Guarantee & Feedback
There is a full refund guarantee available for up to 60 days if you are unsatisfied with the results from NoctuRest. However, there is no specification if the bottle can be partially used or empty.
Reviews for NoctuRest are not great. Five-star reviews make up less than half of its reviews. Most of the reviews contain complaints that the product was not effective, or that it helped the user fall asleep, but not stay asleep.
Our Conclusive Review About Rejuvica Health NoctuRest
NoctuRest seems effective in making someone restless or wide awake feel sleepy. It contains melatonin and a relaxing amino acid that helps the brain feel relaxed. Rejuvica offers a well worth it guarantee for two months as well as a good discount, especially if you are buying more than one bottle.
However, there are other sleep aids on the market to help the user fall asleep and stay asleep. Perhaps NoctuRest’s lack of L-ornithine or the lower dosage of melatonin means it is not as effective as it should be. The fact that it comes as a liquid could be viewed both positively and negatively; liquid forms of medication are said to be more easily absorbed and act more quickly, but that also means the user must measure the precise amount of liquid he or she will take, which takes much longer than just swallowing the pill. Some reviewers mentioned they did not enjoy the taste of the drink, which is something you don’t have to worry about with a pill form of a supplement.