Sheer Strength Labs Sheer Block Review

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Sheer Strength Labs Sheer Block Weight Loss Supplement Review
  • Effectiveness
  • Speed of Results
  • Quality of Ingredient
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Feedback
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Sheer Strength Labs Sheer Block is a dietary supplement which is designed to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates that are ingested as well as control glucose levels in the blood. Although carbohydrates are an important component of a healthy diet, their uncontrolled metabolism can lead to excessive insulin production and later increased fat storage. This review determines the effectiveness of Sheer Strength Labs Sheer Block and if it is the most ideal carbohydrate blocker on the market.


The major ingredient in Sheer Strength Labs Sheer Block is White Kidney Bean Extract. White Kidney Bean extract has been shown scientifically to decrease the absorption of carbohydrates from food because it inhibits the digestive enzyme called amylase. Amylase is used by the body to break down large carbohydrate molecules into simpler sugars that can be absorbed more easily. If they aren’t broken down, then their absorption is decreased.

The second ingredient in this supplement is green tea catechins. Green tea catechins have an insulin-like effect in terms of distribution of glucose to body tissues without the associated fat storage.


The manufacturer recommends taking one capsule per day with a full glass of water. From our research, this dosing regime is not optimal. White Kidney Bean extract best works when taken just before a meal and in the case of this set of directions, the effect will wear off by the last meal of the day.

Possible Side Effects

This product is not safe for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, individuals with a chronic medical condition or individuals under the age of 18. Any potential customers which fall into the above category should consult a physician before using this supplement.


Each bottle of Sheer Strength Labs Sheer Block contains 60 capsules. One bottle can be purchased for $19.97 online. There does not appear to be a discount for buying a bulk supply of this product.

Guarantee & Feedback

The manufacturer offers a 30 day money back guarantee which refunds a customer if they are unhappy with their results.

The customer reviews show that 40% of individuals who bought this product were not completely satisfied with it. Although some people said it worked well for them, some people said it didn’t work at all and they actually ended up gaining weight.

Our Conclusive Review About Sheer Strength Labs Sheer Block

The supplement is offered at a reasonable price and the ingredients are fairly well considered. It is unfortunate that the directions for use do not support this consideration. We believe that this is the reason that some of the customers who bought this product who were unsatisfied with their results.

The fact that the manufacturer provides a money back guarantee shows that they have some confidence in their product. However, there are manufacturers which offer a guarantee that are valid for longer so that customers are given more time to test their product sufficiently.

We believe this product is adequate as a carbohydrate blocker, but we also believe there are better products out there.

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