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This is a review of a product called Solaray Yeast-Cleanse. We were not able to find much information about this product and what it actually aims to achieve, but based on the name we assume it is designed to manage yeast infections. However, we do not know if the aim is to only manage the symptoms of the yeast infections or also deal with the underlying causes. Yeast infections are very common in women, and most women will experience one at some point in their lifetime. The main symptoms of yeast infections include itching, burning, discharge, and pain when urinating or during sex.
The main ingredients this product seems to focus on are Caprylic acid, Pau D’Arco, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Tea Tree Oil. Caprylic acid is an antifungal so it is thought to be effective to kill candida yeast. Pau D’Arco is known to have anti-inflammatory properties and pain relieving effects. It is also known to be good to fight against different bacteria. Grapefruit seed extract is known to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Tea tree oil has been found to be an effective antifungal against yeast. The other main ingredients in this product include vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, zinc, garlic, allicin releasing potential, and licorice root. There are also a number of other inactive ingredients. Yeast-Cleanse does not contain any probiotics which are effective for combatting yeast infections and restoring the balance of the intestinal flora to prevent the candida from thriving.
It is recommended to take six capsules a day with meals and water. You can take three capsules twice a day.
You can buy this product online from different third-party retailers. We were not able to find an official manufacturer’s site selling this product. One bottle contains 90 capsules which will only last you half a month. We found this product for sale on The Vitamin Shoppe for $17.29 per bottle. This store allows you to sign up for auto-delivery every 14 days and save 10%. However, these type of programs are often difficult to cancel. You may have to do some research to look for the cheapest place to find this product.
Guarantee & Feedback
If you buy this product from The Vitamin Shoppe, you are able to return the product within 30 days from the date of purchase. However, this only applies to unopened bottles. There does not seem to be any satisfaction guarantee offered by the actual manufacturers themselves.
The reviews that we found for this product on The Vitamin Shoppe are all positive, though there are not many reviews. However, the reviews we found on Amazon are very mixed.
Our Conclusive Review About Solaray Yeast-Cleanse
There is very little information provided about this product and it’s manufacturing facilities. This product does not seem to have a cGMP certification or follow any guidelines for purity and strength. This product contains ingredients that seem effective for managing yeast infections which may make it a good choice. However, it is missing probiotics to help deal with the underlying causes of yeast infections. There is also no real guarantee in place with this product to show the confidence of the manufacturer. We believe there are better alternatives on the market.