Speed of Results5.5
Quality of Ingredient7
Customer Service5
Customer Feedback5.5
In our review today, we have decided to feature Source Natural Migraine Blocker. We have the consumer’s best interest at heart and want to help them to make the right decision about the product. The manufacturer made the product to provide temporary relief for a migraine headache pain, pressure and throbbing. The product makes use of minute doses of homeopathic remedies that offer quick relief from migraine symptoms.
The manufacturer used Chamomilla, Bryonia Alba, Iris Versicolor and Juglans Cinera as inactive ingredients in the product. Bryonia Alba is a remedy that is best known for relieving intense headaches, migraines and hangovers. The inactive ingredients in the product are Magnesium Stearate and Lactose.
You should not consume the product for headache pain for more than 10 consecutive days. Consumers who wish to get the best results need to take two tablets when they start using the product. Then, consumers should take one tablet every two hours as needed. To get the best results, you should keep your mouth free of food or strong tastes. You should not exceed 12 tablets daily.
Possible Side Effects
If you consume the product, you may become dizzy as some consumers who used the product stated that as a side effect.
If you buy the product from the manufacturer’s website, you will receive 48 tablets for $10.75. On top of that, consumers have to pay for the delivery of the product. Consumers cannot claim a discount on the product since the manufacturer did not offer it.
Guarantee & Feedback
The manufacturer did not offer a money-back guarantee on the product. There is a chance that the product will not produce results. In that case, consumers had wasted their money since they cannot claim a refund. The manufacturer leaves out the guarantee as a measure to prevent consumers from requesting a refund. We came across consumers who stated they felt dizzy after using the product. Some consumers mentioned that the product did not produce any results.
Our Conclusive Review About Source Natural Migraine Blocker
To remain relevant in the market, the manufacturer should have done a better job with this product. We discovered several things about it that may cause the consumer not to buy it. The manufacturer made the product to provide temporary relief for a migraine headache pain, pressure and throbbing. The product makes use of minute doses of homeopathic remedies that offer quick relief from migraine symptoms. You may experience side effects if you take the product as consumers who took it experienced dizziness. The purchase price is not the only cost consumers have to pay if they buy the product as the manufacturer did not cover the cost of the delivery. Consumers are not entitled to a discount or a refund. When a manufacturer excludes a guarantee for a product, it is a way of stating that it does not believe in the product’s ability to produce results. We also found consumers who did not experience an improvement in their migraines after using the product.