Speed of Results4.5
Quality of Ingredient5
Customer Service4.5
Customer Feedback5
If you want to find out all the information about Sovodex Anti Ringworm Ointment, then you should read our review of the product. Throughout the product, we will disclose only the facts of the product. At the end of the review, we will also state if the product works. The manufacturer made the product to help you set yourself free from irritation and to provide relief from ringworm, eczema and skin diseases.
The manufacturer did not state the ingredients it used in the product. We searched the manufacturer’s website and checked for the product on Amazon, but we could not find the active ingredient the manufacturer had used.
The only information about the dosage that the manufacturer stipulated is that you should use the product 2 to 3 times a day. The manufacturer did not stipulate anything about washing the affected area or how much of the product we should use with each application. That information is crucial for consumers who want to get the optimal benefit from the product.
The manufacturer stipulated on the official website that a minimum order is 600 pieces. Obviously, such an order is only for distributors. The manufacturer did not state where individuals can purchase the product. The cost of each piece is $0.22. The manufacturer did not provide any discount on the product.
Guarantee & Feedback
The problem with this product is that it does not come with a money-back guarantee. Consumers who are going to buy the product stand a chance of losing their money if the product does not work. Disconsolate consumers cannot get their money back and that does not make sense to us. If the manufacturer believes that the product works, why would it not offer a money-back guarantee? To make matters worse, the product has no customer testimonials. There is no proof that the product yields results.
Our Conclusive Review About Sovodex Anti Ringworm Ointment
We have seen that the product does not produce results. That means consumers need to be cautious if they are thinking about buying the product. The product was made to help you set yourself free from irritation and to provide relief from ringworm, eczema and skin diseases. The product has a few flaws that should concern consumers. The first flaw is that the manufacturer did not mention the ingredient used in the product. We searched the official website and Amazon but could not find the active ingredient. The manufacturer did not provide detailed instructions on how to use the product. We do not know how much of the product to use. The manufacturer made the product available to distributors. The minimum order is 600 pieces. The product does not come with a money-back guarantee. Consumers who do not see results from the product are stuck with it, as they cannot return it to get a refund. The last problem is that the product does not have customer testimonials. When a product lacks customer testimonials, it means that there is no evidence that the product works.