T-Balance Plus Review

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T-Balance Plus Review - For Increased Thyroid Support
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Below is our full review of T-Balance Plus supplement from Women’s Health Network. T-Balance Plus is a natural supplement that’s designed to revive an underactive thyroid. As you probably know, an underactive thyroid (also called low thyroid or hypothyroidism) can cause your overall health to deteriorate. When this happens, a series of symptoms will start presenting, including fatigue, weight gain or loss (depending on individual circumstances), impaired thinking, sensitivity to cold, hair loss, and many others.

T-Balance Plus helps to restore thyroid health and subsequently eliminate the aforementioned symptoms.

Women are more prone to underactive thyroid, so this supplement was designed with women in mind, although men who are more susceptible to thyroid problems can use it too.


T-Balance Plus contains the following ingredients:

  • Iodine – Iodine is the key element needed for the production of thyroid hormone. The iodine in this supplement is got from Kelp. Allergic reactions have been reported by some people who use supplements containing Kelp-based iodine.
  • Selenium
  • A proprietary herbal blend comprising the following:
  • Cellulose
  • Gelatin
  • Dicalcium phosphate
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Silica

Since this product contains gelatin, it may not be suitable for vegetarians and people with generally restricted diets. The product does not contain eggs, milk, shellfish, nuts, soy, and artificial flavoring.


Recommended dosage is 2 capsules daily, preferably with meals. It’s advisable to take one capsule at breakfast and the other at dinner but you can space them any way you want within a 24 hour period.

Possible Side Effects

From our research, we did not find any side effects mentioned as a direct result of taking this supplement. That does not, however, mean that it is 100% safe for all users. Some people may experience allergic reactions while others may get mild discomforts.

As always, pregnancy women and breastfeeding mothers should not use any supplements before consulting with their doctors. In most cases, people in this group are discouraged from supplementing at all.


T-Balance Plus costs $29.95 per bottle from the official website, which is enough for a month’s supply since each bottle contains 60 capsules.

We thought that there are better-priced alternatives that offer the same or even better quality.

Guarantee & Feedback

The product website we reviewed did not include any user feedback. However, there’s a 100% 60-day money back guarantee offered by the people behind this supplement, the Women’s Health Network.

This is the strongest point about this product. Their refund policy allows full refund even if you’ve used the product; simply call the number listed on the website and send back the empty bottles while reclaiming your money.

Our Conclusive Review About T-Balance Plus

Overall, T-Balance Plus seems like a well-rounded supplement for restoring normal thyroid health. Women’s Health Network is a reputable company in the natural supplement world and we did not find any qualms with their claims.

However, we took issue with the fact that the iodine used in the product is from Kelp, which is a well-known allergen.

For the same price, we think you can find a more complete thyroid supplement.

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