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Zenulife Xbiotic Anti Candida Cure is a product that is designed to cure Candidiasis and the symptoms associated with this illness. Candidiasis has a way of causing health issues in many parts of the body and symptoms like burning, itching, and inflammation can be taxing to deal with. Some health care physicians decide to treat the bacteria that cause yeast infections with prescription drugs which while they may be effective in bringing about a cure; many also come with a range of side effects.
With such a wide range of products available on the market that claim to be a quick fix for Candidiasis, it is not always easy to determine which product really does what it claims. For this reason, we decided to put Zenulife Xbiotic Anti Candida Cure to the test to see if really does what it claims to do.
- Calcium Caprylate
- Glucosamine (NAD) and Zinc
- Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria
- Molybdenum and manganese
- Quercetin
- Vitamin B3
- A herbal formulation of garlic powder, aloe vera, beet root fibre, goldenseal root, thyme, lapacho tea, cinnamon bark, oregano, rosemary leaf and cloves
The ingredients found in this supplement work in tandem with each other to help restore a healthy and natural balance yeast balance within the body.
When first beginning to take this supplement, it is recommended for users to start off with a higher dose in order to bring the yeast levels under control faster. It is recommended for users to take 1 capsule three times daily for a period of three weeks. If during this time you find that the instance of Candidiasis is greatly reduced, then you can reduce the dosage to 1 to 2 capsules per day until all of symptoms subside. Nutritionists recommend that users should continue taking the supplement for the full time period to ensure that the spores or infection are completely gone from the system.
The cost of this product currently runs about $37.00 per bottle, with the standard price being $49.00. Zenulife allows user to take advantage of a promotion that offers a 10% discount if you buy two bottles, which reduces the price to $33.50 per bottle. The discount is even great if you buy four bottles, with the cost of each bottle only being $29.25 which is a 21% savings.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects that stem from taking this supplement.
There is no information that was located as far as a guarantee for this product should the user feel dissatisfied with the quality or effectiveness of the supplement.
Our Conclusive Review Of Zenulife Xbiotic Anti Candida Cure
People who are looking to resolve issues related to Candidiasis, often try to find a product that helps to other problems that are related to this illness that include digestive problems, Xbiotic Anti Candida may very well be an overall solution when it comes to treating Candidiasis and the symptoms it causes. However, it has not been evaluated by the FDA . Xbiotic Anti Candida may help to flush excess yeast from the body, yet it is not known whether it known it restores the body’s balance of microflora.