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This is a detailed review of the product Powdered BHB and MCT Keto-Peak, by the manufacturer Zenwise Health: This product, which claims to be a ketogenic metabolism booster, can help to enhance energy levels, increase focus, boost performance, help to burn fat, and boost ketosis. Nutritional ketosis, for men and women, is the aim of the product, simultaneously providing necessary fuel for the body and mind.
The ingredients found in this product are goBHB blend (calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate), medium-chain triglycerides (as goMCT – C8, C10, acacia fiber), turmeric powder, and spirulina blue extract.
Calcium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate not only provides a boost of energy, it also helps to speed up metabolism. This substance has also been linked to fighting off oxidative stress, increasing lifespan, preventing bone deterioration and optimizing heart function. Magnesium helps to reduce stress and anxiety, but also aids digestion, while relieving constipation. Magnesium helps with the absorption of calcium for stronger bones. Medium-chain triglycerides are often lacking in most Western diets, however, these are sources of healthy fats, and have a thermogenic effect on the body, which can boost metabolism. Such fats support a healthy gut, and have anti-inflammatory properties, allowing for weight loss, clearer thinking, more energy, and boosting of the immune system. Turmeric powder, besides being a good source of antioxidants, also has anti-inflammatory benefits. Spirulina blue extract is also an antioxidant, assisting in removing toxins from the body.
The recommendation, according to the manufacturer, is that two (2) rounded scoops be mixed with any type of beverage. The manufacturer does not state at which time of day this product is better taken, or whether before or after a meal, for optimal effects.
One bottle of Powdered BHB and MCT Keto-Peak is available on the manufacturer’s website at $59.97. There are no package deals or discounts provided by the manufacturer.
Guarantee & Feedback
The manufacturer provides a 100% lifetime money-back guarantee on this product. If not satisfied, buyers may return it for a full refund. No questions will be asked. Data given by customers who return the product provides a rough clinical study on its own. Such information could be useful in improving the efficacy of the formula.
There are no reviews of this supplement on the manufacturer’s own website.
Our Conclusive Review About Zenwise Health Powdered BHB and MCT Keto-Peak
The dietary supplement Powdered BHB and MCT Keto-Peak seems useful for burning fat and boosting energy levels. The product is backed by a full money-back guarantee valid for a lifetime. The ingredients, all-natural, are also known to lead to weight loss. However, there are some concerns about this product. With the lack of bulk package deals and discounts, this product will not be economical over the long term for a consumer, compared with similar products. Also, reviews, which are a marker of how others have experienced this product, are not given. As a conclusion, it might be a better choice to opt for another similar product that is on the market, rather than this product. One that can offer better quality, is highly recommended and might even have discounts to make the product more affordable.